on Google

As soon as a business sets up shop on a street, it hastens to install an outdoor sign to let people know that it exists. The basic principle of SEO (search engine optimization) is the same—but this time, it’s on the web.

Effective search engine positioning enables you to target the right "passersby" at the right time.

– David Hamel, director of interactive marketing and SEO/SEM specialist

Every word has its importance.

Having a website doesn’t ensure that you’ll attract visitors. Traffic must be generated at the lowest possible cost.

With Propage, you’ll spend your energy and money on the right keywords. You’ll be certain to use the right vocabulary and the right semantics to elicit a measurable response from your target audiences. Our team of experts gives you the means to build and maintain a quality online audience.

Should you stick to organic or paid referencing with Google Ads? The right answer is not to choose one or the other. Rather, opt for a well-balanced mix adapted to your reality.